This is your convenient link to the School-Based Health Center Patient Registration Form. secureform.luxsci.com/forms/19127/20946/7EQo/form.html
A CHWP team member will contact you directly to schedule your first appointment upon receiving your completed form.
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Already a CHWP patient?
Scheduling is convenient for families receiving care at School-Based Health Centers: Visit our website: chwpCARES.org to schedule.
- On the main menu, select Schedule an appointment.
- Start to prompt application of patient information and confirm with security code.
- Select Existing Patient, School-Based Health Center, then Riverside
- Apply the reason for your visit.
- Select a time best for you and complete your appointment.
Contact Community Health & Wellness Partners at 937-599-1411 with any questions.
We look forward to serving student/s, family, and staff.
New Patients Welcome! Who do we treat?
Students | Faculty | Staff and Household Members
*We can become your primary care provider (PCP) or work in conjunction with your current PCP.
Reasons To Visit:
Well Child Checks or Annual Physical Exams | Adult Wellness Exams
Sports Physicals | Work Permits
Ill visits including but not limited to:
Upper Respiratory or Sinus Infection | Sore Throat or Cough
Rash/Skin Infections or Cellulitis |Headaches or Migraines
Pink eye or Styes | Urinary Tract Infections
Nausea | Vomiting | Diarrhea
Primary care chronic disease may include, but not limited to:
Diabetes | High Blood Pressure | Asthma or COPD Stress | Anxiety | Depression
Schedule your appointment today!
(937) 599-1411 or online at CHWPcares.org